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(1 edit) (+2)

i just gave you 20 bucks.

i would love to see this asset pack expanded. i realize you have a main project you are working on.

as far as suggestions for future textures, i think computer terminals (and other techbase style stuff), some outdoor textures, and some color variations for the wall and floor textures would be welcome additions.

Hey, thank you so much! :-D

I have around a dozen new textures that are partly drawn. I’m hoping to finish those up and add them to the pack very soon. What sort of outdoors textures are you interested in?


probably the basic stuff would be most useful. you have a doom techbase style going on here, so i'd say just rocky cliff and ground for outdoor areas between bases would be nice. it all kinda depends on what direction you are going in with this pack? continue the techbase theme? expand to other themes/levels, like urban, hell, scifi spacestation, outdoors areas like desert, mountain, forest

also thanks for cc0. it is the most useful license. 


Hey, so I added a whole bunch of extra textures over the past couple of weeks, including tech doors, computer terminals, more crates and colour variations, and some natural stone tile textures. I’m planning on working on more outdoor/natural textures next.

(1 edit) (+1)

you are awesome. keep up the good work.

i'll probably donate again at some point just to support your efforts.

this is some very useful stuff for us retro fpsers!

some ideas for future stuff:

thematic levels, like you have doomish techbase now, you are gonna have outdoor textures, how about some doomish gothic hell type level textures, a toxic waste type facility level textures, stuff like that. you could reuse alot of the stuff you already have for wall textures, just recolor them and modify details.


This is amazing, thank you so much for making these!
Don't have the money to donate yet, but added them to my collection.
Thank you!

That’s cool, there’s really no need to feel bad at all. I like to draw textures as a way to help me practice pixel art techniques, and I thought it’d be nice to share the outcome with others! 😊


Very useful, thanks! :D


You’re welcome, I’m glad you like them! :-)

(1 edit) (+2)

This is a great pack.
Are you planning on expanding this pack? Maybe adding a bigger, paid version?

Really love your pixel style.


Hi, I’m glad you like them! I do indeed to add more textures once I’ve released Little Martian, which is my main project, though I’m not sure I’ll ever do a premium pack though, because I don’t have the time to support it right now.

Deleted post

Thanks. I’m really glad you like them!


These are really nice!  I plan to use them for a 2.5d game.  


Thank you! Be sure to share screenshots of your game, it’d be great to see the textures used in a real game! Best of luck.

Yw, I'll be sure to post whenever I have something that looks at least halfway finished.


These are great thank you!


Hey, thank you very much. If you have any ideas for new textures you’d like me to add to the set, let me know and I’m l I’ll try to add them. 😃

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