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Very nice art and retro vibes here!!! nicEEEEE


Can I ask what you made this in, it looks so authentic! Especially the CRT filter and that little loading thing, where it's not quite smooth and fades in/ out in chunks


Hey, thought you may wanna know even though Steam says Beep's Escape isn't supported on Deck (not just the yellow i but a full blown / in a circle warning) it runs perfectly on there as far as I can tell so far! :D could be worth submitting it for re-assessment!

Sorry to sound dumb, but is there a way to play this game in full-screen mode? I've tried Alt+Enter, but that doesn't work.

Hey, yes there’s an option in the Settings for switching to full screen, and for adjusting the resolution.


PLEEEEEEEEEEASE port this to the ZX Spectrum. It deserves to be on it! SO AMAZING!

Hi Little Martian.

I bought her really good game Beep's Escape from

Would it be possible to get a Steam key for the game?

Thank you for your help.

best regards


Hey, thanks for buying it. Yeah I’m sure we could sort that out. If you go to my itch profile you’ll see my Twitter handle. DM me there and I’ll sort it out.

I sent you a DM via Twitter. Thanks very much.

Bloody perfect. I love it. Just played the demo. The movement, transitions, music, graphics ... all spot-on. I'll be getting the Mac version for $10 and happy to throw it down. Thanks for your work!


Does the game have any save feature?


Yeah, you can save/unsave whenever/wherever.

Esc (on Mac) brings up the in-game menu with save/load options, settings etc

Hello! Will there be a ZX Spectrum / Next version? Thanks!


Looks fantastic, I'm dizzily looking forward to reliving some good Spectrum times!

The download icons seem to have got mixed up though - it's showing Linux and Android icons against the Mac and Linux versions respectively. There's no Android version really, right?

Oh hey, thanks for letting me know. I’m not quite sure how I managed to mess that up! :-)

There’s no Android version yet, though I think it should be fairly easy to support (once I’ve added touch controls) so it might be added in future.


Even the music is brilliant - it now runs in background in the office, great inspiration during gamedev & coding!

(1 edit)

Looking great, the feeling is quite good though particularly the attrib load sequence in the loading simulation seems a bit off to me, is it the real load sequence? I remember you commenting on twitter or somewhere you had taken part of one of Dizzy’s for some dev testing. I mean sound here… not the actual attrib values

Getting the feeling of a real 128k game of it’s time, but maybe sound quality and video fast response like in fades ;) both things are too good for original real hardware

Incredible job in keeping it true to orignal specs!


I'm obsessed with the aesthetic of this game! <3

gracias por la version 32 bits